The FACEKI eKYC SDK is designed to facilitate electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) processes within applications using Flutter. This SDK simplifies the integration of document and selfie verification processes required for user identity verification.
Document and Selfie Verification: Streamline the verification processes with easy integrations.
Guidance GIFs: Provides visual guidance to help users capture documents and selfies correctly.
Customizable Thresholds and Callbacks: Offers customization for verification thresholds and processes through callbacks.
Getting Started
To add the FACEKI eKYC SDK to your Flutter project, include it in your pubspec.yaml: Always refer to GitHub for the latest version number.
faceki_blaze_sdk: <latest>
Run flutter pub get to install the new dependency.
Add these on ios/Runner/Info.plist:
<string>Your own description</string>
Add these on ios/Podfile:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] ||= [
Change the minimum SDK version to 21 (or higher) in android/app/build.gradle:
import 'package:faceki_blaze_sdk/faceki_blaze_sdk.dart';
Faceki_Blaze_SDK ekyc = Faceki_Blaze_SDK(
verification_link: "2607ba32-c906-4e01-sdsd-abec9f56324b",
record_identifier: "",
turnGuidanceOff: false,
language: "en",
bgColor: 0xFF3D85C6,
termsAndConditionUrl: "",
onCompleteSelfie: (result) {
print("Selfie Verification Result: $result");
screenTexts: {
"getting_started": {
"title": "توثيق الحساب",
"secondary": "سنطلب منك التقاط صورة لوثيقتك وصورة سيلفي.",
"third": "لأفضل نتيجة للصورة",
"fourth": "ابحث عن منطقة ذات إضاءة جيدة.",
"button": "ابدء"
"document_selection": {
"title": "اختيار نوع الوثيقة",
"secondary": "يرجى اختيار نوع الوثيقة",
"button": "التالي"
"verification_process": {
"title": "خطوات عملية التحقق",
"secondary": "للتحقق، ستحتاج للقيام بما يلي",
"third": "لقد قرأت الخطوات المذكورة أعلاه وأوافق على ",
"fourth": "الشروط والأحكام",
"button": "التالي"
"card_guidance": {
"title": "الارشادات",
"second": "يرجى اتباع إرشادات التقاط الوثائق للحصول على افضل النتائج",
"button": "التالي"
"selfie_guidance": {
"title": "الارشادات للسيلفي",
"second": "يرجى اتباع إرشادات التقاط السيلفي",
"button": "التالي"
"processing_screen": {
"title": "جارٍ التحقق من هويتك",
"secondary": "يتم معالجة مستنداتك",
"third": "سيستغرق الأمر بضع ثوانٍ فقط",
"button": "التالي"
ekyc.launchEKYCFlow(context, (verificationResponse) {
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);
Configuration Parameters
This section details the various parameters that can be configured when initializing the FACEKI eKYC SDK.
Description: Link generated from the API, use the value of the key named "data".
Description: A callback function that is triggered after the selfie verification process is completed. This function is used to handle the results of the verification.
Description: A URL linking to the terms and conditions that the user must agree to before using the SDK for verification purposes.
Type:Bool (Optional)
Description: A boolean to turn off the guidance GIFs if set to true. Useful in cases where custom UI/UX implementations are preferred.
Type:String (Optional)
Description: An optional field used to provide an additional identifier which can be used to record or log the verification process for audit purposes.
Description: Background color for the verification interface, defined as a hex integer.
Description: Language code for displaying text in the verification interface.
Type:Map<String, Map<String, String>>
Description: A map containing localized text for different screens in the verification process. Each key corresponds to a specific screen, containing its title, secondary text, and button label.
Sample: Arabic
"getting_started": {
"title": "توثيق الحساب",
"secondary": "سنطلب منك التقاط صورة لوثيقتك وصورة سيلفي.",
"third": "لأفضل نتيجة للصورة",
"fourth": "ابحث عن منطقة ذات إضاءة جيدة.",
"button": "ابدء"
"document_selection": {
"title": "اختيار نوع الوثيقة",
"secondary": "يرجى اختيار نوع الوثيقة",
"button": "التالي"
"verification_process": {
"title": "خطوات عملية التحقق",
"secondary": "للتحقق، ستحتاج للقيام بما يلي",
"third": "لقد قرأت الخطوات المذكورة أعلاه وأوافق على ",
"fourth": "الشروط والأحكام",
"button": "التالي"
"card_guidance": {
"title": "الارشادات",
"second": " يرجى اتباع إرشادات التقاط الوثائق للحصول على افضل النتائج",
"button": "التالي"
"selfie_guidance": {
"title": "الارشادات للسيلفي",
"second": "يرجى اتباع إرشادات التقاط السيلفي",
"button": "التالي"
"processing_screen": {
"title": "جارٍ التحقق من هويتك",
"secondary": "يتم معالجة مستنداتك",
"third": "سيستغرق الأمر بضع ثوانٍ فقط",
"button": "التالي"
Sample: English
"getting_started": {
"title": "Account Verification",
"secondary": "We will ask you to take a picture of your document and a selfie.",
"third": "For the best photo results",
"fourth": "Find a well-lit area.",
"button": "Start"
"document_selection": {
"title": "Select Document Type",
"secondary": "Please select the type of document",
"button": "Next"
"verification_process": {
"title": "Verification Process Steps",
"secondary": "To verify, you will need to do the following",
"third": "I have read the above steps and agree to",
"fourth": "the terms and conditions",
"button": "Next"
"card_guidance": {
"title": "Guidelines",
"second": "Please follow the guidelines for capturing documents to get the best results",
"button": "Next"
"selfie_guidance": {
"title": "Selfie Guidelines",
"second": "Please follow the guidelines for taking a selfie",
"button": "Next"
"processing_screen": {
"title": "Verifying Your Identity",
"secondary": "Your documents are being processed",
"third": "It will only take a few seconds",
"button": "Next"