Perform KYC Verification

Base URL

KYC Verification End Point API

To verify national identity, passport, driving license, and other legal documents, simply call the API endpoint. Our API can perform various security checks and face-matching to ensure the authenticity of the document and its holder.

Our API supports more than 35+ languages and uses an advanced OCR engine to extract all data from the documents. With this level of support, you can confidently verify customer identities from all around the world.

Method: POST

Authorization: Bearer Token


selfie (mandatary)

workflowId (mandatary)

document_1_front (mandatary)

document_1_back (mandatory except passport)

document_2_front (mandatary if workflow require 2 documents)

document_2_back (mandatary except passport)

document_3_front (mandatary if workflow require 3 documents)

document_3_back (mandatary except passport)

record_identifier (optional)

To get started with this API, please follow the steps below:

  1. Make a POST request to the URL mentioned above.

  2. Set the Authorization type to "Bearer Token" in the request header. You can check here

  3. In the body of your request, include the following parameters:

  • selfie (Mandatory which contain the user selfie captured live according to the Image guidelines here)

  • workflowId (Mandatory, you can generate a workflow through the portal and copy the ID to use in the API)

  • document_1_front (Mandatory for all the document types (ID, DL, Passport) )

  • document_1_back (Optional only for Passport)

  • document_2_front (Mandatory for all the document types (ID, DL, Passport) if the workflow assigned has 2 documents)

  • document_2_back (Optional only for Passport)

  • document_3_front (Mandatory for all the document types (ID, DL, Passport) if the workflow assigned has 3 documents)

  • document_3_back (Optional only for Passport)

  • record_identifier (Optional field, you will receive the same on webhook to identify the record on your end)

NOTE: Make sure the document field contains the same document image of the front and back.

FACEKI KYC Verification Request



Request Body

    "status": true,
    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "appVersion": "v3.0.0",
    "result": {
        "requestId": "fca3fe38-9182-XXXX-XXXX-97b58ce27703",
        "document_data": [
                "reference": "97XXXXXXX9",
                "full_name": "MXXXXXXXXXXXXXT",
                "first_name": "MUHAMMAD XXXXXX",
                "local_name": "ا",
                "last_name": "TXXXXXXR",
                "middle_name": "",
                "nationality": "BAHRAINI",
                "nationality_iso": "BH",
                "nationality_iso2": "BHR",
                "issuer": "Bahrain",
                "issuer_iso": "BH",
                "issuer_iso2": "BHR",
                "gender": "M",
                "dob": "XX",
                "age": "XX",
                "expiry": "XXXX-XXX-XX",
                "expiryDay": "XX",
                "expiryMonth": "XX",
                "expiryYear": "XXXX",
                "issued": "",
                "issuedDay": "",
                "issuedMonth": "",
                "issuedYear": "",
                "documentAdditionalNumber": "",
                "document_number": "9XXXXXX09",
                "document_type": "I",
                "document_type_full": "Identity Card",
                "mrz": "IDBHR9XXXXXXXX95<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<<<<<<<<<<<4^XXXX<<MUXXXXD<XXXXQ<<<<<<<",
                "document_face_match": {
                    "similarity": 99.98751831054688,
                    "confidence": 99.99876403808594
                "passed": true,
                "date_of_birth": "XXXX-XX-XX",
                "date_of_birth_day": "XX",
                "date_of_birth_month": "XX",
                "date_of_birth_year": "XXXX"
        "selfie_data": {
            "liveness_pass": true
        "verification_summary": {
            "face_verified": true,
            "selfie_liveness_verified": true,
            "document_verified": true,
            "verification_rules_passed": true,
            "document_liveness_verified": true,
            "image_quality": true
        "warnings": [],
        "aml": [],
        "errorCodes": [],
        "document_data_confidence": [
                "reference": "9XXXXXXX9",
                "full_name": 0.9,
                "first_name": 0,
                "local_name": 0.9,
                "last_name": 0,
                "middle_name": 0,
                "nationality": 0.97,
                "nationality_iso": 0.97,
                "nationality_iso2": 0.97,
                "issuer": 0,
                "issuer_iso": 0,
                "issuer_iso2": 0,
                "gender": 0.99,
                "dob": 0.9,
                "age": 0,
                "expiry": 1,
                "expiryDay": 1,
                "expiryMonth": 1,
                "expiryYear": 1,
                "issued": 0,
                "issuedDay": 0,
                "issuedMonth": 0,
                "issuedYear": 0,
                "documentAdditionalNumber": 0,
                "placeOfBirth": 0,
                "document_number": 1,
                "personal_number": 0,
                "document_type": 0.8977721333503723,
                "document_type_full": 0.8977721333503723,
                "mrz": 0.44,
                "date_of_birth": 0.9,
                "date_of_birth_day": 0.9,
                "date_of_birth_month": 0.9,
                "date_of_birth_year": 0.9
        "decision": "ACCEPTED",
        "companyId": "4XXXX8-XXXX-4748-XXXX-cd5aa892b4f0",
        "workflowId": "e67dcb8f-XXXX-4c5e-XXXX-f9373XXXX0cf6",
        "branchId": "XXX99e557XXXXXX58d08XXX",
        "deviceDetails": {
            "useragent": "PostmanRuntime/7.36.1",
            "detectResult": {
                "os": {},
                "client": {
                    "type": "library",
                    "name": "Postman Desktop",
                    "version": "7.36.1"
                "device": {
                    "id": "",
                    "type": "",
                    "brand": "",
                    "model": ""
            "ip": "XXXX.71.XXX.1XX"

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Last updated